Discreet realignment with lingual braces bonded to the inside of your teeth

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Incognito are braces, but probably not as you know them! Instead of being visibly mounted to the outside of the tooth, these invisible fixed braces are bonded to the inside surface of your teeth. The control over tooth movement is outstanding, but there are no visible signs that you’re wearing a brace. Unsurprisingly, Incognito is the choice of many celebrities.

If you choose this option, your braces will be custom made following an appointment here at our Rotherham orthodontic practice. We’ll then fit the braces to ensure an extremely precise, comfortable fit. You’ll be free to go about your daily routine without anyone knowing you’re wearing orthodontic braces – unless you want to spread the good news yourself!


Please contact The Orthodontic Studio online or call 01709 382047 to arrange an appointment.