Cost-effective, non-invasive treatment to give you beautiful results

Tooth whitening is well known as an important component of the ‘Hollywood smile’. Here at The Orthodontic Studio in Rotherham, we’re big fans of this popular and affordable treatment – but we understand it needs to be carried out with careful attention to deliver an effect that’s as natural-looking as it is attractive.

We’ll always begin by offering you an individual consultation to decide which approach would work best for you. Some treatments bring almost immediate results, while others whiten your teeth gradually until you reach the desired colour. Whether the present appearance of your teeth is ‘yellowed’ or ‘mottled’ , we can offer modern, effective techniques to transform their appearance safely and painlessly, without weakening them in any way.

Claim a 20% discount if you’re having your teeth straightened

We want you to make sure your treatment leads to a smile that’s perfect in every way! So for those of you who’ve had your teeth straightened at the Orthodontic Studio, we offer a 20% discount on all whitening procedures and products.

“Coffee, red wine, smoking... or just everyday life. All of them take a toll on your tooth colouring. But we can help!”


For more information on teeth whitening in Rotherham, please contact The Orthodontics Studio online or call 01709 382047 to arrange an appointment.