At the Orthodontic Studio we’re extremely proud to receive numerous referrals from dental practices from throughout Rotherham and the surrounding area. We’re confident that our high standards of expertise and patient-centred approach will reflect well on your own professionalism and help you to enhance the services you offer your patients. Our patient testimonials are a reflection of our service satisfaction.

Specialist orthodontics plays an important part in the oral health and general well-being of your patients. Together we can achieve remarkable results not obtainable with restorative options alone. 

Here are just a few of the ways in which we can provide multidisciplinary solutions for your patients:

 - Sectional braces to upright teeth for the provision of fixed/ removable prosthesis and implants

 - Proclination of anterior segments to prevent traumatic bites

 - Reduction of overbites for allow restorative interventions.

Please contact The Orthodontic Studio online or
call 01709 382047 to arrange an appointment or referral.