Beyond general dentistry...
specialist expertise to give you whiter, straighter teeth

We all want healthy teeth... that’s a given. But a specialist orthodontist looks at the whole of your smile – it’s about so much more than accurately fitting braces to straighten teeth.

If you’re one of the many people who feel a little embarrassed about their smile – or maybe even feel the need to cover your mouth when you’re smiling – then specialist orthodontic care is for you. It needn’t cost a fortune, but the effects can be truly remarkable.

The Orthodontic Studio is all about delivering the wider benefits of an attractive, confident smile. Why settle for anything less?

What is an orthodontist...
and how can orthodontics help me?

An orthodontist is a dental specialist concerned with correcting tooth irregularities and improper bites. After receiving at least three years’ additional training, he or she will be an expert in fitting dental braces – now including the revolutionary Invisalign system – in which invisible plastic aligners are fitted to move teeth into the desired position.

A good orthodontist can make a huge difference to the confidence and well-being of their patients. As well as delivering excellent cosmetic results, they can address long-standing, often painful conditions caused by misaligned teeth – including jaw problems, discomfort when eating and even headaches, neck ache and shoulder tension.

For more information on orthodontic treatments in Rotherham, please contact The Orthodontic Studio online or call 01709 382047 to arrange an appointment.